The 24th European Microelectronics & Packaging Conference
11-14 September 2023 –
Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton
(near Cambridge), UK

Presentation Guidelines for Oral Presenters
Each oral presenter is allotted 20 minutes. Of these, 15 minutes are allocated for the presentation and 5 minutes for answering questions from the audience. Please stick to the time limit!
For your presentation slides, use one of the following formats: PPT or PPTX or PDF. Please lay out the slides in 16:9 format. There is not a mandatory template.
Please upload your presentation here by 9am UK time on September 11, 2023:
The AV team will then ensure that your slides are played at your presentation time. When uploading, please make sure that your file has the correct file name. The file name must be structured as follows: Short Session Title_Position in Session_Last name of presenting author (example: 3B_2_Nolan). To name your file, you can find the programme here.
Presentation Guidelines for Poster Presenters
The poster session will be held on 12 September 2023 from 5:10pm to 7pm and pizza and refreshments will be served during the session. Please make yourself available for questions from the session chairs and attendees next to your poster during the poster session.
Poster presenters are welcome to use this template, but it is not a must. It is important that you follow these guidelines when creating your poster:
- Format A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm, portrait style)
- No font smaller than 18
- Use bullet points rather than long texts
- Pictures and diagrams in good resolution
Poster Presenters are requested to bring their printed poster to the conference. All posters should hang on Tuesday morning by the first break at 10.45 am. If you are attending a short course on Monday, you can of course hang your poster then. You are also welcome to drop off your poster at the registration desk (remember to put your name on your poster tube!) and we will hang it for you. We would ask you to leave your poster up until the first coffee break on Thursday (last day of the conference). It is the responsibility of the poster authors to take their posters down and with them.
Paper submission
The deadline for abstract submission has already passed. Authors have recently been informed about the acceptance of their contributions.
As a next step, we kindly ask all authors whose abstract has been accepted as an oral or poster presentation to submit a full paper (recommended length 6 pages). Papers can be uploaded only as pdf file and not as Word file or in any other format. The deadline for paper upload has been extended to July 14, 2023. Please be sure to use the templates provided by IEEE and linked below for paper preparation.
Before uploading your paper to ConfTool, the file must be checked by the IEEE PDF eXpress Checker to ensure that all formal requirements are met. Here is the link to the IEEE PDF eXpress Checker: https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2F. The conference ID is 55870X.
An electronic version of the papers will be distributed at the event; and will also be available through IMAPS Source and IEEE Xplore after the conference.
Registration for the conference is open at https://www.conftool.org/empc2023. Please remember that for every accepted contribution the presenting author can register at the author rate. To benefit from this offer, we kindly ask that you do this by June 12 at the latest.
If you have questions concerning the paper upload, please contact the conference office at office@empc2023.org.